Sunday, February 20, 2011

Daddy Date Night

Last night I had date night with daddy. We have been doing this since as long as I can remember. I would get all dressed up. Sometimes we would have dinner but date night was always a movie. When we lived in New York the movie theater was attached to the mall. So we would go early and he would take me to Claire's to pick out anything I wanted. I always cherished those moments. We talk about everything. I don't think allot of daddy's who have daughters realize how important a role they have in their lives. Daddy's show you how a woman is to be treated.

We headed to dinner after dropping the boys of  with their father. I told him that I was going to treat him to dinner and a movie. I ask him what he wanted to eat. He tells me what do I wanna eat. Of course I pick Chili's. I don't know why but I've been craving those chicken club tacos. They are awesome. Daddy is really particular about where he eats. He doesn't like surprises. He wants to go somewhere he knows he likes the food. You know what he told me when I said chili's. He was like I don't know about that. I'm not sure they have what I like. Which for daddy is ribs and fried shrimp which all places like that pretty much have. I was like you have never ate there before? He says the last time he was there was 89. Um that's crazy as hell hahaha. I told daddy that he needed to break out of the norm and experiment. So we ate at Chili's. They said it was a 20 minute wait but we only had to wait less than 5 and it was packed. Our waitress was great. She accidentally dropped part of daddy's ribs and was scared he was going to yell at her but it was no big deal at all. So we are sitting there eating and I notice the older black woman staring holes in me in the booth behind daddy. This is not new to me. People don't realize he is my father when we go out so when  black woman see me with him I get dirty looks. Funny huh. They look so dumb. I like to stare back and smile. I wish one would say something to me so I can tell them how retarded they are. We finished our meal and payed the check and head to the movie.

We get to the movie theater at like 8pm. Daddy usually hates going to the movies during this time on a Saturday night because of all the obnoxious teeny boppers running around and they usually ruin a movie with their loud mouths and belligerent attitudes. He already warned me if they start tripping in the theater we were getting our money back and leaving. I remember one time these two boys were sitting next to him and he turned to them and said " Eh shut the fuck up". Such a short sentence but they immediately shut up. I love it. He always drops me off at the door and then go parks. I got the tickets and we still had like and hour before the movie was to start so we walked across the parking lot to Wendy's for a frosty and to chill. Blocking the door were all these teeny boppers. God it's so annoying. Why the fuck are you going to just stand in the fucking doorway. I mean get the hell out of the way. Shit like that irks the hell out of me. At any rate none of them were rude or anything. Just didn't have enough manners to move out of the way. We get back and we get the perfect seats. We like to sit a little high up and in the middle. Perfect spot. I look around and I think it's going to be alright not too many people in there. I was thinking the majority of the kids would be seeing the new big momma movie. As soon as I thought that big groups of teens starting coming in. Being all loud and everything. I was like crap I really don't wanna leave. We gave them the benefit of a doubt and stayed. The movie starts. We were there to see I am number four. Which was an awesome movie I might add. In the beginning of the movie some little shits started using their laser pointers on the screen. OMG that is some old shit. I mean who does that anymore. I can tell daddy is getting irritated. Some dude yells out " stop shooting the laser faggot". Ya ll should of heard the way he said that it was so funny. Everyone was laughing. Then they say something smart and get all loud and I'm like damn why wont they shut the fuck up. Thankfully security came and no one did anything the rest of the movie. Besides all that we thoroughly enjoyed the film. I really recommend everyone to go check it out.

In describing that night it doesn't seem like anything special does it. I have so many memories of going to the movies with my daddy. Those are a few of the memories I cherish. If you have a little girl, take her out. Show her how she is to be treated. You will get to know the person she is. In one night you will be building a lasting bond with your child. Whether its for mothers and daughters, fathers and daughters, mothers and sons, or fathers and their sons, it's important to take the time out or your day or week and just be with your kids. They appreciate those moments. I know when my boys get old enough. They will be taking their momma to dinner and a movie. As I cherished those daddy dates, I will cherish the dates with my sons. Spend time with your children, they wont be children for very long.


  1. it is a great post!I really like it! ^_^
    christina, how did you state "TOTAL PAGEVIEWS"in your pager?

  2. Hey thank you i really appreciate the compliment. Go to your dashboard and click design then click on i believe add gadget somewhere on your blog layout and it will give you a list of things to add. Pageviews was one of them.
