Friday, February 18, 2011

Is This In The Parenting Handbook?

My son knocked down and totally destroyed my bookcase last night while my mom was babysitting. Sometimes that boy makes me sooooooo mad. I mean I'm at boiling point. At the same time he will say "I love you mommy". As soon as that comes out his mouth and I look deep in those brown eyes and I know I couldn't imagine it any other way. Anyways I was thinking about how I deal with certain situations with my son. I can be a bit unorthodox.

One circumstance sticks out in my head a whole lot. I was driving either to Kansas from Georgia or from Georgia to Kansas. I don't know but we were on the road. It was while my ex husband was deployed so it was just me and Reggie. He was going through a stage of screaming when ever we drove somewhere. He was so loud and persistent. I gave him crackers, his bottle, and even pulled over and checked his diaper. Nothing was working. I turn the music up to drown him out. I'm usually pretty good at zoning out but he was just not having it. As each excruciating mile went by I was slowly losing my mind. I just didn't know what to do to get him to be quiet. To just stop screaming. Then I did the only thing I could think of. I turned the radio off. I gripped the steering wheel and I screamed as loud as I could. At the very top of my lungs. OMG! It was so freeing of all that tension. I immediately felt relieved. Then I realized I didn't hear Reggie anymore. I look back at him and he is looking at me like I was a crazy person. See momma can scream too I told him. I never again had an issue with him screaming.

Another one happened more recently. I've been trying my hardest to potty train Reggie. He goes pee pee in the potty but he just wont poo poo in there. I don't know what is up with that. One day as soon as I get home I put Preston in the highchair with his dinner and put Reggie on the potty. He sat there for 30 minutes and nothing would happen. He always poos after he comes home from daycare. I tell Reggie he gets two pieces of candy if he goes poo in the potty. He is steadily telling me that he can't do it. I made grunting noises and faces trying to get him to poo. Still he wouldn't. I told him he couldn't eat dinner till he poo in the potty. Still nothing. It had been awhile so I decided to let him go eat his dinner. There was a catch though. He could not wear any underwear or pull ups or pants. Also he was not allowed to sit down. I had him standing at his little cars table eating his dinner with is butt hanging out. I didn't want him sneaking a poopy past me. I could see exactly what was going on. After he ate I put him back on the potty. We sat there forever again. I even pulled up YouTube on my phone and showed videos about using the potty. Nothing worked. I finally gave up and put him to bed. Just another battle I've lost.

Should of seen him standing there eating with no pants or pull up on. He kept saying he was cold. I told him oh well. You should of poo poo in the potty. they don't hand you a handbook when you leave the hospital with your baby.You just do the best that you can following the examples of your parents and with your own maternal instincts. I believe the most important thing is that your kids know that they are loved and somehow you will survive parenthood.

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