Sunday, February 13, 2011

Why I'm O.K. With Being Single On Valentines

Well I've noticed all over facebook people are either so happy with their significant other or they wish they had someone. Personally I wouldn't post to the world how lonely I am. That's just sad and depressing. This year though I'm OK that I'm single. I used to always have to be with someone. I was never single. After my divorce I was so scared to be alone. It scared me more that I wanted to stay in a marriage that wasn't working for the simple fact of not being alone. I would of been more depressed staying. Now looking back at everything that transpired me into getting to this point I see that it was meant to be. I was so young and still am and have yet to learn what kind of woman I am and will continue to grow to be. I love how I can come home, hang up my keys, put away my purse, take my bra off and throw it on the floor, plop my ass on the couch in front of the t.v. I don't have to hear why the house isn't clean. Or when am I going to start cooking dinner. Hell if I don't want to cook I don't have to. I'm enjoying doing things the way I want them done. I'm enjoying being selfish and not having to worry about what my husband or boyfriend wants to do. Basically I'm enjoying the simple fact that I am making myself happy. Don't get me wrong, I would like to find love again. I miss having that deep connection and having your own little world with someone. If it finds me that's great too. I'm just not going to sit around feeling sorry for myself thinking nobody loves me. I know this sound's like such a cliche but I have my kids, family, and friends who were truly there for me at my darkest moments and I know I will be just fine. So my advice to all woman young and old is to find yourself. Find what makes you happy. Find what you wanna do for you. Don't sacrifice the things that will make you happy and help you reach your goals for the love of a man. Sometimes they don't stick around and you are left alone with nothing to pick up the pieces and having to start all the way from the bottom again. If he loves you then he will compromise. Love wouldn't make you give up your dreams so theirs can be fulfilled. Tell your daughters because I think every young woman should know this upon entering the dating world. DISCOVER WHO YOU ARE!!! You might be amazed to find how wonderfuly imperfect and strong you are.


  1. Hey lil cuz I believe you articulated that so eloquently and couldn't agree with you more. Continue to find out who you are being the wonderful mother to your boys. Hey maybe your next blog can be how you're teaching your sons how to respect a woman's intelligence and goals not just on her looks.

  2. Thanks cuz for being my first follower. I have thought alot about the kind of men I want my boys to be. That will be challenging and I'm sure I will have many blogs on that issue lol.

  3. It makes me so happy to see how far you've come in the past two years. You've really grown into this amazing woman, I just love how fearless you are and most of all I admire how perfectly content you are with yourself and how you are making yourself happy instead of waiting for someone else to make you happy. Girl Power!
