Monday, February 14, 2011

I've Been Hoodwinked!!!

Omg my sister has been wanting me to write a blog about this experience for a while. It's so embarrassing and it's something straight out of a comedy.

So I've been on this dating site called Plenty of Fish. I started talking to a guy who was a soldier. Living by Fort Benning it's rare if you meet a guy who is not a soldier. Anyways I digress that's a whole other story. We talked online and on the phone for a couple of weeks. He sounded like a nice guy. He sent me a picture of himself and he wasn't bad looking at all. He liked scary movies like I do. So one night I was talking to him on the phone then he had to go because he was going to a party. I called the next day in the morning and it was his roommate that answered his phone. So I'm thinking this is strange. He starts talking to me. Telling me where he is from and how he knows him and what he does. He sounded so cute. He then starts to hit on me. I was like omg what kind of dude macs on their friends chick you know. I wasn't dating the guy so I flirted back and everything. I was like man this dude sounds really cute. I kept asking for him to send me a pic. He kept giving me different excuses. Ladies that's a warning sign. I ignored it because I keep giving people the benefit of a doubt. I like to give them a chance. I am not doing that anymore. So the dude I had been talking to wakes up and I start talking to him and we were joking about how his friend was hitting on me and then he has to start getting dressed so i let him go. His friend starts texting me on his roommates phone and he eventually invites me to breakfast with them. I'm like cool. I'd love to have breakfast with two hot guys. Not to mention a free breakfast anyways. I tell them to give me an hour. I get all dolled up and wear some booty poppin skinny jeans. A cute top that showed some cleavage. I had my hair down and it was a perfect hair day. My makeup was on point. I stand back for one last look and I'm like damn I look good. So I text them stating that I was on my way. Then warning sign number two pops up. He was like are you sure you wanna have breakfast with us? That was his room mate. I'm like what the fuck. Dude do you want me to come or not? I'm thinking they just didn't wanna be stuck having breakfast with me. But the guy I had been talking to was like no no we want you to come he's just worried cause we aren't dressed to impress they just threw something on. I was like OK then I'm on my way. As I'm getting closer to waffle house. I'm getting all excited more because I'm getting a free breakfast and second I'm gonna be hanging out with some hot dudes or so  I thought. He texts me telling me that they are in the back towards the restrooms. I park my car, take one last look at myself and walked in. I turn the corner. I am instantly screaming. OMG OMG OMG. Of course this was all in my head. My outward appearance was warm and friendly with a bright smile on my face. But in my head I was totally freaking out. The guy who was the room mate of the guy I had been talking to had a deformed face. Not extremely but deformed. Like around his mouth. I was like damn you really can't trust a voice over the phone. The guy I had originally been talking to looked normal enough. So in my head I'm thinking am I going to continue to walk towards them and sit with them or am I going to turn around and run. I decided well what the hell I'm here and I'm hungry. I shook their hands and took a seat. I just ordered a waffle with sweet tea to drink. they were drinking coffee and I don't remember what they ate. We made small talk and I could tell that there was something off with his roommate. He was a bit slow it seemed like which blew my mind because I had no idea while I was talking to him on the phone. He sounded completely normal. As we are talking  the guy that I had met online keeps his mouth kind of covered. Warning  sign number three. Then we was talking about something funny and he started laughing and I could then see why exactly he was hiding his mouth. He had some teeth missing in the front. I was like no friggin way! Are you kidding me! So we go to leave. I didn't even hug them. I said thank you for the breakfast. They kept asking me if I wanted to go to their place to watch a movie and I said no I have to get back to my kids. He texted me a couple of times after that but I never responded and he eventually got the hint. On the way home from the awkward experience I made a mental note. Make sure when they send me a headshot I tell them to show me a big toothy smile. No pic equals no date. I hate wasting a hot outfit and a great hair day.

If you have an online dating horror story post a comment so I don't feel alone hahaha


  1. Too funny hahahaha and I loved the way you wrote it, except I wish yo would have hidden the fact that they were ugly until the very end. But it felt like I was going through the experience myself!

  2. haha that would of been a good idea
